Almaty city, Medeu district, Pushkin street 2/76. 8 (727) 397-61-15
Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee on Archives and Documentation Management
National State Book Chamber
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Websites of writers of Kazakhstan
Websites of writers of Kazakhstan
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National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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National Academic Library
Kzak literature
Website newspapers Kzak literature
Egemen Kazakhstan
Egemen Kazakhstan newspaper
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Newspaper native language
"Baldyrgan" Magazine
Moldir Bulak
"Moldir Bulak" Magazine
Publishing house " Mektep"
Publishing house " Mektep"
Atamura Publishing House
Atamura Publishing House
"Almatykitap publishing house"
Publishing house "Almatykitap publishing house"
Internet resource ""
8 (727) 397-61-15
Almaty city, Medeu district, Pushkin street 2/76
© 2024 Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee on Archives and Documentation Management National State Book Chamber