Almaty city, Medeu district, Pushkin street 2/76. 8 (727) 397-61-15
Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee on Archives and Documentation Management
National State Book Chamber
Home / Departments / The Press Statistics Department

The Press Statistics Department

The Book Chamber keeps statistics of the press of 1957. The Press Statistics Department provides the main indicators necessary for the development of the printing business in the republic.

In 1958, the first statistical collection covering the period from 1921 to 1957, entitled” The press of the Kazakh SSR-the Press of Kazakhstan", was compiled by the director of the Chamber E. Nygmetov.

Since 1964, statistical materials have been published annually. In 1970-1972, he was published in the"chronicle of books of the Kazakh SSR". And since 1975 it has been published as an independent publication. Depending on the type of each publication, statistical records are kept.

Statistical collections contain quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize the publishing activity of the republic, as well as provide information on thematic, special target sections, for each publication and ministries. Description and classification of free mandatory copies of printed products, books and brochures, notes, fine art, auto-abstracts, cartography, electronic publications received by the department. All publications are being processed.

Statistical accounting and verification of all printed products are carried out. Statistical tables are also compiled and processed by thematic, special target sections, by language, genre, for each publication and printing institutions.

The reliability of statistical data on book production depends on the mandatory copies of the press received by the book chamber. The full receipt of mandatory copies of book products is checked based on the” information about the publication of book products " (Form 1-I). Every quarter, a statistical table is published (quarterly, semi-annual, 9 months, Annual) and checked for processing.

Newly received newspapers, magazines, bulletins, collections are entered into the computer, the full set is filled in (name, founder, year of publication, place of publication, frequency and other information), classified by thematic, special target sections. Statistical data are included and checked for processing in all periodicals and ongoing publications.

Issues written and oral certificates to the Ministry, research institutions, libraries, at the request of individuals.

       By the end of the year, the main quantitative and qualitative indicator will be released, characterizing the publishing activity necessary for the development of the printing business of the Republic. The handwriting is checked and processed. The results of the published printed products were summed up, compared with the previous year of production.
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8 (727) 397-61-15
Almaty city, Medeu district, Pushkin street 2/76
© 2024 Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee on Archives and Documentation Management National State Book Chamber